Mar 27, 2020 17:31
NZ has gone into "lockdown" as of Weds 25 March 11.59pm in an attempt to cut off the virus by reducing possible hosts and carriers. All bars, cafes, restaurants and fast food outlets are closed along with non essential businesses.
Four weeks is the given timeframe for the lockdown but it could be more, who knows.
They have asked everyone to stay at home unless you are making a trip for groceries or medical items. You can go outside for a walk in your local area but only solo, no groups of people unless they are in the house with you and we need to aim for 2 metres separation when out in public. They are reducing the number of cars on the road as only "essential" workers are mainly on the roads and that is only to and from work and of course for groceries and medical items etc. Naturally there are morons about who are just doing what they want but I'd imagine they will become tougher with them soon. There is no travel allowed between cities etc., except for essential workers but I'm not sure how they are enforcing that at the moment.
I am still working due to the nature of our business being one that moves freight around the country. We still need to keep our planes flying, so yeah... still working. I don't mind though as the traffic is pure heaven compared to normal.
The roads are so quiet and near empty most times. I am getting home in 10 minutes now instead of the normal 30 - 40 minutes that it sometimes takes. Total bliss.
Our cases are increasing fairly rapidly actually, but most of these are people who entered the country with the virus. Community acquired infection has not become rampant but I think there might have been a couple of cases where they couldn't trace it to travel. Hopefully this lockdown will halt the spread of it.
It's strange times folks.