Monday madness...

Jul 10, 2018 21:11

I swear that my mother goes nuts on Mondays...

It would be too tiresome to go into all the details of various things that she gets worked up over, suffice to say that it drives me absolutely fucking nuts!
She seems to go off the deep end on Mondays especially... or so it appears to me.  I really don't know why, but her most outrageous shit bubbles to the surface on Monday evenings.

She has a deep, abiding hatred of the neighbour who lives on the back of the property our house is on.  She is constantly going off at me and "explaining" all the crazy stuff that she is convinced that this woman does.  It seems that this person is my mother's nemesis.
Honestly, there seems to be no logic to her thought patterns whatsoever, and that is what really pisses me off.  I live my life (on the whole) along the tenets of the scientific method and a big thing for me is proof or in the absence of complete proof, then an analysis of the most likely, logical answer.  Oh not my mother... it's just wild accusation after wild accusation and each one is almost even more absurd than the last one.

She started raving on at me last night and when I said to her... but you have no proof, she said to me... I knew you'd say that.  Sigh... well why bother ranting at me then if you know what I'm going to say.
The amount of vitriol that she spits out against people she seems to think she is at war with is astounding.  Quite often she even rants and rages about wanting to punch people - it's usually bus drivers, taxi drivers or the neighbour at the back.  Actually it can be anyone.  She has turned into one angry, angry old woman.  I sometimes think that I must have been adopted as our personalities are worlds apart.

Sometimes I can get her to see reason but mostly no... I have to keep very calm with her and not lose my temper and say that something she has said is stupid.  She is very sensitive about people thinking she is stupid as she didn't have the best education when she was young and I think it plays on her mind.  But fuck me running.... it is tiresome!!

I end up doing the thousand yard stare and just sitting quietly, waiting until she has finished going off.

Ok rant over.
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