May 16, 2018 22:01
Fucking head cold has set up shop in my skull.
Seriously, I've had the damn thing for almost 3 weeks now - it's driving me mad.
A vicious cycle of sneezing, blowing nose, blocked nose then it starts running again. Ugh, so frustrating.
Strange thing though is that it only seems to be the left nostril which gets blocked and then runs.
I am going to buy a nasal irrigation bottle thing tomorrow and see if I get the chance to give it a go. I might be able to catch it unblocked if I time it right.
Bit weary about using it though as I have to be careful not to get water in my ears or else they will get infected. The joys of having perforations. Sigh.
I'm sure it will feel as weird as fuck but if it gives me relief, I'll give it a try.