Jun 10, 2008 10:55
Request A Fanfic Here!!
If you didn't know, I get awfully bored at work, so I would love to write fanfic to kill the time. So, if you'd like to give me something to do, request a fic and I'll write it for you. Just leave the fandom, pairing and/or characters, and either a scenario or a few words to inspire a plot. Also, any other specific requests, like if you want to see a Bare lyric in a Torchwood fic or something.
I'm open to most genres (angst, fluff, romance, etc) and pairings. The only thing I don't do is RPS.
++ Spring Awakening
++ The Office
++ Torchwood
++ Doctor Who
Also, if you want to request a Bare fic, I'll love you, seriously. And if you know of some fandoms I'm minorly involved in that aren't listed above that you want me to try, request it and I'll see what I can do. Like Enchanted, Stardust, Cold Case, House... whatever. I'll give it a go.
Also, I just re-tagged this entire journal (I told you I was bored at work) so now it's super organized. And I miss writing fanfic as much as I did before, so requests/prompts please?
misc: requests