Stardust // Childhood Treasures

Aug 17, 2007 16:51

Title: Childhood Treasures
Author: Sarah
Rating: G
Words: 627
Characters: Dunstan, mentions of Tristan
Summary: Dunstan uncovers a few of Tristan's childhood artifacts.
Notes: Written for a challenge at stardustfanfic. It didn't exactly come out the way I wanted, but I still like it.
Disclaimer: I own a copy of the book and that's about it :P

Dunstan Thorn knew a day would come when his son would leave home in search of something greater than Wall. Tristan was curious and astute, despite the way others perceived him to be. He was a dreamer, and his father knew. Dunstan had spent the few months after Tristan’s eighteenth birthday preparing for the unavoidable day, but when it finally came, he still found it hard to let his little boy go. But Tristan was a determined boy and Dunstan had often learned the hard way how difficult it was to change his mind. All he could do was smile and light the candle as Tristan began his journey.

Three days had passed since Tristan left and Dunstan was still not yet accustomed to cooking meals for one or the lonely quiet. He glanced out the back window toward their small yard. A crooked tree grew towards the back, its branches twisting about in odd directions. Dunstan smiled to himself as he remembered nailing small wooden planks to the trunk so five year old Tristan could climb up. Just a few feet off the ground, the thick branches spread out in all directions, allowing for a flat landing just large enough for a little boy. Within the branches lied cracks and crevices perfect for protecting a child’s treasures.

Dunstan walked outside, slowly making his way over to the tree. He gently lifted one foot over the other, taking his time ascending the make-shift ladder. There was barely enough room for the man at the top, but Dunstan was able to carefully situate himself on the landing.

To his left, a small hole that probably once served as a home to a squirrel was filled with treasures from Tristan’s childhood. Dunstan smiled to himself as he picked up a tiny wooden sailboat that he had carved for his son’s seventh birthday.

The boat hid behind it several other artifacts from Tristan’s past. Dunstan knew they were things that his son valued, even if most others considered it to be junk. Just as he was about to replace Tristan’s things, Dunstan noticed a folded piece of parchment sticking out from under a knot in the branch. Carefully releasing it from its prison, Dunstan unfolded the paper to reveal a drawing sketched by Tristan’s very young hand.

The picture was of a man with a circular head, rectangular arms, and a square torso. His legs were that of a stick figure wearing oblong shoes. Loopy fingers stretched from one hand to the tiny loopy fingers of the sketched child beside him. His body was similar, but with smaller proportions. In large, barely legible handwriting were the words “DADDY AND ME,” with the lines of the E going in the wrong direction.

Dunstan smiled to himself as he stared at the picture. Tristan was shy about his artwork and Dunstan had seen little of his childhood pieces; he was only allowed to see the ones Tristan deemed “good.” Despite the gorgeous painting of their cottage that hung on the wall of their living room (which Tristan painted only a few months ago), Dunstan considered this the loveliest piece of art to come from his son’s hand. He folded it up and tucked it into his pocket while he descended the tree.

When the picture was carefully laid out on his bedside table, a constant reminder of Tristan in his absence, Dunstan allowed himself another glance out the back window to see the first of the evening stars coming into view. Just as Dunstan knew the stars were gazing back at him, he knew they were also watching after Tristan. Dunstan knew he’d only be missing his son a few days longer until they were united once more under the watchful stars.

fandom: stardust, character: dunstan, character: tristan

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