(no subject)

Jun 16, 2007 10:45

Title: Going in Blind

Prompt Number/Prompt: 021/Home

Character/Fandom: Allison DuBois/Medium

Word Count: 271

Rating: G

Warning(s): None

Summary: As chaotic as it is, home is where the heart is.

"I’m home!"

The yelling that erupted as soon as Allison said those magic words was phenomenal. And she meant that in every since of the word.

"Mom! Bridgette won’t stop singing that stupid song!"

"It’s not stupid, I learned it at school!"

"It is stupid, Mom, trust me."

"You’re stupid, Ariel!"

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" chimed in Marie.

"Everyone just stop!" Allison shouted, holding out her hands. She took a deep breath when silence actually did ensue. "Mommy will be the judge of all things stupid, so go ahead Bridgette. Sing me your song."

Jumping at the chance to be the center of her mother’s attention, Bridgette started in on ‘Do Your Ears Hang Low’ with Marie as accompanist.

"See Mom? Stupid!"

Allison picked up Marie and ruffled Bridgette’s hair. "I don’t think it’s stupid, I think it’s fun. Ariel, you shouldn’t be calling anything your sisters ever do stupid. And where’s daddy?"

"Daddy went to go get hamburgers and left McBossy in charge!"

"No name calling! Or else you’ll both be grounded until the end of summer, understand?"

Both girls chimed in. "Sorry..."

"Bridgette, set the table, please. And Ariel, go clean up Marie for dinner."

Allison made a beeline to her bedroom to change out of the suit she was wearing. Falling onto the bed for a minute she sighed softly. She was exhausted, her kids were arguing, and her husband was not home to help mediate. At least for the next ten minutes. A soft smile crossed her lips though as she sat up to take off her blazer. This was home.

prompt response:allidb

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