Newsletter for March 12, 2007

Mar 12, 2007 08:59


First set of prompts are here

New Writers and Muses

Welcome to the following new writers: Heather, Stacey and Jey!

Welcome to the following new muses: Peter Parker, Jordan Sullivan, Dwight Schrute, Jondy, Ginny Weasley, and Harry Potter!

Prompt Responses This Week

Dean Winchester - Miles to Go
Hermione Granger - Unexpected Fall
Gregory House - Black and White
Peter Parker - New Chapter
Harry Dresden - Untitled
Dwight Schrute - This Is Not A Drill

RPG Threads

+Lilah and Giles have accidentally bonded themselves to each other here. Thread is rated NC-17/FRAO and is still in progress.
+Wesley, Fred and Angel found out what sort of demon Wesley is here. The thread has been continued here and is rated NC-17/FRAO.
+Laura offered Lulu a tutoring job for whenever she's in town. The thread is here and is still in progress.
+After breakfast, Catherine and Horatio have gone back to Catherine's house here. Thread is still in progress.
+Remus and Hermione have reunited and are currently talking in Hermione's room here. Thread is still in progress.
+Catherine and House met here and he gave her a ride...on his motorbike. Thread is complete.
+Peter saved Lulu's life and told her his secret. The two have decided to travel the country together here. Thread is still in progress.
+Amy and Willow have reunited here. Thread still in progress.
+Eric and House are having a conversation here. Thread is still in progress.
+Dawn's car broke down and it's Dean to the rescue here. Thread is still in progress.


1. We're very happy to see more players using the RP community. It's fun to read all the different characters meeting. :-)

2. First roll call thread is located here. Don't forget to reply.

3. If any of you know of good fandom communities, that'll allow us to advertise the community, please drop us a comment here. We would love to get new players! :-)


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