(no subject)

Mar 04, 2007 20:50

Title: In With The New, Out With The Old
Prompt/Number: 005 - Journal
Rating: PG
Character/Fandom: Remus Lupin/Harry Potter
Word Count: 448

The old journal sat at the bottom of his trunk, hidden away under tattered robes and wrinkled shirts. It was a present from his father, who’d told him how everyone at school would have one. A journal that never filled and would last his entire life. Remus had been proud of the journal, even though hardly anyone at school had one.

It didn’t stop him from writing small excerpts of his life in it. He wrote about his friends and the monthly transformations. There were entries about Sirius and his obvious dislike for Severus Snape, and other entries on how James, Sirius and Peter were the only true friends he’d ever had.

There were pages dedicated to James’ untiring pursuit of Lily and how he finally won her. On the day Harry was born, there was a page long entry on how happy James and Lily where, with a small footnote saying how Lily was going to hex Sirius when she found out he’d gotten Harry a helmet so he could take the baby out on his flying motorbike.

And, when James and Lily died, the entry simply said: I can’t believe they’re gone.

As time moved on, and Remus became older, he stopped writing in it as much. It was never because he didn’t want to. It was because quills and ink cost money, and he was barely eating at times. But, when he could find a quill, he would write long entries about the places he’d been and the people he’d met.

He wrote about the day Dumbledore gave him a job, and wrote about the first time he’d seen Harry on the train.

When the second war began, Remus made a point to write everyday. After Sirius had died, he wrote all night, wondering why he continued to lose those he cared about. Of course the journal didn’t answer back and he was left with nothing but an empty void.

Time moved forward, and when Dumbledore died, Remus found himself clenching the journal with one hand as his other scribbled word after word onto the tear stained parchment. He promised himself they would win this fight, and when they did, he thought it was only right to put the journal away. He’d come full circle as had the journal itself.

A few years after the final battle, Remus, his trouser pocket full of Galleons, he walked into Diagon Alley. He found a new journal, crisp and without torn edges, and purchased it from the small shop.

The old one would stay inside his trunk and serve as a reminder as to where he’d been, while the new one would tell him where he was going.

prompt response:rlupin

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