Feb 21, 2004 14:32
i went to movie gallery today, thats all i seem to do now. i rented the first season of sex & the city, i'm gonna end up buying it. will was being a dumbass, he was fixing the printer & i'm like are you gonna wait on me hes like no .. i'm like will, whose your fav. customer, & hes like standing there blown away that i would say that, & hes like herby was untill he said blockbuster was better & i'm like whatever & hes blushing & laughing. then i'm like i'm not buying my discount rental cards from you i'm buying them from someone else, & he got all serious & was like no, you're not. i bought them from him, after hassling him with him charging me for the late fees & other movies, & he made me fill out another comment cards, so things are good with him. i just worry about whether or not we will end up being together, i mean he get so nervous around me & i wish he wasn't. i think he gets a kick out of me, no one else acts like this with him or whatever.