it's fucking freezing outside because i saw you tonight and almost died

May 24, 2004 18:36

Dude I have posted so much lately it's sickening.

This Bleeding Through cd is so fucking metal and heartless. I'm in love with it.

I don't think I can find the words to describe how I'm feeling. Right now, in this instant. I feel touched, loved, and grateful. You haven't said, or done anything to make me feel this way. And I love that. Since I have not been doing anything for the past few hours, all I can do is sit here and think. And normally, when I am stuck in this situation where time seems to stand still...I think of things that upset me, or I worry about things that aren't even existant. But right now, I am feeling everything that you have (and have tried) to show me the past 11 months. I'm sorry this isn't as personal as a phone call...or a voice in front of those gorgeous eyes. But, you are busy I believe and well, who else can I tell these things to without being interuppted, or without forgetting what I need to get out, other than the beloved livejournal? I'm sorry things have been rough. I'm sorry for making you feel inadequate. I appreciate everything that you have done for me. I love how I don't have to tell you what I want to eat when we go to certain restaraunts. I love how you gave me a piggy back ride on Friday so I wouldn't get my cute shoes all wet. I love how I am [somewhat] friends with the boys from my favorite fucking band. I love that I have the HONOR to say that I got my favorite song dedicated to me. I love that I can say that I got tipsy with my favorite band...all because of you. I love that I saw Brandon Boyd with my girlfriend from the 5th fucking row. I love how we can belt out Usher together in front of John and not feel like fucking IDIOTS. I love how I have spent so much time with you - fights or no fights. I love how we can watch Eddie Izzard over and over and over again. I love how we can make fun of the guy who couldn't get his fucking shirt off in that porno. I love that, even though you are a ladies man on myspace (and a fucking rockstar, haha), that I am the one you are coming home to, that I am the one you are sleeping next to, that I am the one that you are holding hands with. I love that you have put up with all my shit. I also love, that after eleven fucking months, I STILL miss you as much as I did when I first met you. The second I leave your house, I want to turn my car around, run up to your room and just be in your arms. I love that I have made new friends because of you. I love that we have inside jokes. I love that we've had inside jokes since we started dating. "You look like a uhh...I don't know...somethin." I YOU Eric Gerloff. Nuff said. And I'm sorry to have you read this with the rest of the (lj)world, but...I know that my friends are concerned about my life, and you are a part of my life, and lately the things I have written that involved you weren't as posi as this post. I wrote you a big letter to give you on Saturday for the big 11 monther, but I think I have given you faaaaar too many letters, so this will have to do, I hope you don't mind. So, yeah...I hope this makes you smile, and makes you realize how much I care for you. I know I'm a little early but Kelly and I were just talking about how long we've been dating, Happy 11 months my love.
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