About Mozambique and Brussels

Nov 23, 2005 11:47

Good morning sweetiepies !

I woke up a few minutes ago and thought "Well, let me just go over my computer and start typing something interesting on my LJ" so here I am (not that what I just typed's interesting but well the interesting things come after) lmao
So this update is more to explain to my sisties what is going on in my life lately !
Here it goes then ...

Nothing is sure yet since my parents still have many doubts according to this !
Well, for quite some time now my parents been trying to search for jobs out of Portugal.
They've been talking with friends and family that live in Mozambique and Brussels !
In Mozambique (where they got the first offer of work more or less 1 month ago) they would have to start a business and they don't have that great big amount of money to start one, so since that's happening, they checked the job offers in Belgium (where I have family for quite some time now) with my cousin and she told us that there are a few things were they could work and they got really excited with the life style there (Portugal is a misery) so in everybody's head Belguim is much better than Mozambique (you didn't actually need to be smart to know that lmao)!
I was really sad when they told me we might have to go to Mozambique, a month ago, because even though they don't have money to start a business they'd just go coz money here is so hard to get, but so, so, so hard that abything would be much better...but now that they have another option I so wish that IF we have to move it can be and it has to be to Brussels !

That's the story of what had been going on lately around here !
I'd be so close to Gwennily, Fran and Lili ... gosh I can't even imagine it would be like a dream coming true !

To meet Gwennily coz she's such an amazing girl who has an amazing heart and of course she's my twin sister...Gosh she is the funniest but to have serious convos you can't find better then her. She's funny, sweet, loving, beautiful, caring, god I could stay here all morning describing Gwennily and 45 minutes away from you by train WOW we'd be together everyday (kidding - lmao) ! Love you sistie

To meet Fran coz she seems to be such a funny and laidback person, she's sweet, caring and really funny to talk to so that's why I didn't also mind meeting up with her (1:30 hour from Belgium till her place - not that much)

To meet Lili (again) coz hey that's a true buddy we had so much fun together last August that I didn't mind having a blast with her again this time just not in Portugal but in Belgium ... Well we might get close by train as well lmao !

God wouldn't it be lovely ?
"all I want is a room somewhere,
Far away from the cold night air,
With one enormous chair ,
Aow, wouldn't it be lovely"

hahaha Just felt liek doing it though I think I can make up my own lyrics for that tune from MFl... let's see...erm...

All I want is it meet my chums!
Move from Portugal to be more close!
And be with them all day,
Aow that would be amazing !
(To be sang in te tune of "wouldn't it be lovely from MFL")
*wishpering to you now* Don't let Julie listen to this and I hope that the words fit the music ;) !

Mary xoxo

moving away...wouldn't it be lovely ?

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