Jun 03, 2004 07:07
I actually got up a little earlier than I needed to this morning, so I'm not racing around like a chicken with my head cut off...
Sunburn update: OWIE.
Tuesday night brought on another one of those humbling moments, but I'm having trouble putting it into words. It was the same as always - this is what I would've killed for ten years ago, etc., mostly, but something was different. Something else that contributed, other than just the whole setup of being with a big group of friends, having a "theme" dress night, having various members of the band sitting with our group during their breaks, and afterwards hanging out at the house, was being invited to a weekend-long invite only shindig in July - Glory. Don't know why it's called that. Supposedly it's pretty much a three-day party involving alcohol, music, drugs, and whatever floats your boat. I've got other friends going so we'll probably all drive up and camp together - should talk to Brad or Seth about that. Sean told me that it's sort of a big deal to get invited, but it was more so since the person who invited me A) was one of the organizers and B) doesn't really know me; has only seen me at the Dubliner and once at the house. Apparently, I behave well in public. :) Also I think that the company I keep helps. Hee.
With all this camping stuff going on I may need to invest in a tent this year...definitely a new sleeping bag.
Well, it's about that time.