Not sure what I should do...

Jun 15, 2024 12:25

My mum is having issues with seeing things.  This started last Saturday night or the early hours of Sunday.  She kept asking me to come and look and did I see it/them or whatever it was.  Initially I just answered the question when she asked... No, there is nothing / nobody there, I don't see anything.  She would then accuse me of having worse eyesight than she does.

I started looking up on line various things it could be and how best to deal with her.  Don't be argumentative, they say.  Well, I stopped answering her truthfully I just ended up saying, ok mum.  She would eventually wander off again until the next time.

I'm in the process of working with her doctor and trying some things.  The first thing was blood and urine test and some antibiotics as sometimes an urinary infection in the elderly can give them hallucinations.  The  test showed no infection so that theory is out the window.  Now we move on to other things, I'm sure that won't be fun as she hates for people to think she is stupid or going mad.  I need to take her to her doctor next week and then we'll see what happens.

Perhaps there is some medication she can take, I hope so.

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