IMPORTANT FACT: If I do not receive five comments on this post from five distinct individuals (my mother and Trent not included because I call them every day or so anyway) within a reasonable amount of time, I will discontinue this blog on a regular basis. So please let me know if you're reading!! (Anonymous comments are fine, just make sure you let me know who you are.)
When was my last post? What did I speak upon? I forget.
Yesterday I slept late. I went off-campus with some friends for lunch, got some really good pizza and dripped dark chocolate ice cream on my pants. We went to a show yesterday afternoon called
The Male Intellect. It was rather amusing. It's a one man show; basically, this guy had an argument with his fiance, and she's supposed to call him today. He's had two weeks to try to figure out what she wants from him, and at the beginning of the show, he still has no idea. It's actually coming to NC later this year.
Anyway, the funniest part of the show was the bus ride we had to take to get there. When we got to the bus stop, we thought the bus had just left and there'd be fifteen to twenty minutes before the next one came. There was an adorable little book shop halfway up the block, and my friend Sophie and I figured we'd have at least five or ten minutes to browse. We went in, but when we came back out, everyone was gone. I got a call from a strange number; my other friend Dana gave me frantic directions on how to get to the theatre, and Sophie and I settled back to wait for the next bus. We waited. And waited. And waited. And half an hour later, the bus pulled back up and we went. Once the bus let us off, we still had six and a half blocks to the theatre and twelve minutes until curtain. I looked at Sophie and asked her if she had ever been to NYC. At her reply of "yes," I suggested that we begin walking like New Yorkers. We managed those six blocks in six minutes. We were very proud of our selves.
So the show was great, we stuck with the group on the way back, and then I just kind of chilled the rest of the night.
Today I spent over two and a half hours in the library, which was rather intimidating. I think I might have possibly found what I was looking for. Tonight? I haven't decided yet. I just know I'm hungry (for chocolate bars)!