May 17, 2004 19:17
~And I thought my schedual was starting to settle down! Ha! I could laugh at myself!
~Last time I finished off with the dance concert. I think I did the best on Saturday, closing night. A big thanks goes out to Steve, Mike, Kim, Kristina, Matt, and Andrew for meeting up at Winchells. And the movie the next day was awesome. Everyone has to see Van Helsing, it rocked! But I would have gone out of mind without all you guys those 2 days.
~The Theatre IV movies are going to be very cool. The only thing that makes me depressed about them is that all the directors are leaving!
~Saturday was a lot of fun. American Superstars was a really good show (better then I thought it would be); ya'lls should go and see it.
~My cousin Morgan is staying with us for a little while. He's really cool. I think I relate to him more then with any of my other 12 1st cousins. He's got some awesome stories to tell like Jousting in K-Mart and tons of stuff like that. Then, Memorial Day weekend Zack (my other cousin) and Melissa (his wife) are coming into town. Family rocks!
~I've got quite a few other functions to go to this week too, lotsa band stuff. My brother is a squad leader next year! I'm so proud!
~Disneyland is going to be so much fun!
~This study-group thing is working out really well for me. I get most of my homework done right away and because of it I had no homework this past weekend. I'm likin it!
~This was my last Monday of school this year! 11 more days (3 testing and 1 in another state!)
Wow, this was longer than I planned....oops, but mad props to Jazzy who had a great time at her Sr. Ball! I miss you and you'd better come down again this summer or I gotta get myself up there!
Luv ya all, thanks mondo for keeping me sane! Well, as sane as I can be