Jun 11, 2009 09:08
On Sunday night, before church, Madalyne had her first hamburger. She loved it. She ate so much of it, I was shocked. Then on Monday she had a hot dog, and she loved that, too. She doesn't want to be spoon fed anymore, she wants food she can pick up herself. She tries to grab the spoon when I am feeding her, but she makes a bloody mess when she feeds herself, so I try to keep her from doing it herself. But then she refuses to eat.
She was sleeping so well for a couple of days, sleeping 5 hours at a time, but the past two nights, she has been up every 2 hours and I am so tired. I mean, really tired. I really hope this doesn't last too much longer.
She has been taking more and more steps everyday. I think she is going to be walking very soon. Mitch and I sat on the floor, and was letting her walk from each other and she was cracking up. It was pretty funny. She's got this new sound that she makes, where she breathes in and out really loudly, kinda like Bill Cosby when he is doing his standup and he is talking about his wife's breathing during childbirth, or maybe its more like a dog panting...Either way, she makes this noise, and if we make it back to her, she then makes it again, and this keeps going and going. She also sticks her tongue out like Kiss.
I was giving her a bath on Tuesday night, and letting her play around in the tub for a few minutes before bedtime. She was having so much fun trying to crawl around in the tub. But then she stood up, and pooped in the tub. So gross. I grabbed her and put her on the toilet, but she was fighting me, so I tried to clean her up and clean the poop out of the tub. She wanted to go back in the tub, but I told her that it was nasty and bath time was over. So I wrapped her up in a towel and brought her to the bedroom to put jammies on her, and she had pooped all over her towel. So gross.
We are getting ready for Mimi and Poppy to visit tomorrow, and for Misty and I to run the Ice Cream Social 5K. Yay!