
Sep 11, 2005 16:45

"oh my god i cant belive it ive never been this far away from home"
head banging to the kaiser chifes fucking haleroius mwhahahahahahaha woh i just wanna say that the last few days has been sooooo great i feel like i got this whole weight lifted from my mind and i feel i can finaly be wat i wanna be with out worrying if som1 thinks im sad or wied or if som1 makes a comment about me that just makes me feel like im about 3inches tall or that im totlay incenifgent
woooooooow i make make spelling mistakes and i dont care coz if people now think im a stupid blond gess wot fuck u fuck u all!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahaha people may think im fake but im not and the point is i dont care if they think im fake go a head see me not care lolal lmfho
well any way last night was fucking halerious we all went donw to the king offa and apart from amy (who was at clackton) and jenny and mike (who r probale off making babies heehee) the true gang was there me gem nik em ed sofie dave as well as leanne and ems mate who i cant rember and his mate tom it was well funny we were sitting in the pub drinking and everythink and me and tom were having a really nice convo about ramdom shit then ems mate had a fight with one of his mates who werent tom and the pub calls the police now by now nik and dave are a little pissed so we wait for it to die down a little then we scarper so we go down the lake and for the whole hour it takes get down there (dave ed nik and ems mate were pissing about as usal) me and tom walk together and talk and we were getting on really well hes sooo kool and onset and totaly real and hes the kinda guy whod never be nastyto som1 or call them names or lead them on or anythink hes just real it was such a change hope i see him again

drag queen

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