
Jan 17, 2008 16:48

Ok, if you cannot get free ringtones but you have texting, you should register at phonezoo.com. It’s so amazing! They send you whatever you want via text message and then you save it as a ringtone. And they never send anything else to your phone or e-mail. Everyone who calls me a lot has their own awesome ones. Mike= Chris Farley singing Fat Guy In a Little Coat (his favorite movie) Mark= the super Mario brothers theme song (self-explanatory) Mom=Smallville theme song (used to be hooked on that show together) Dad= If I Only Had a Brain by the scarecrow (only movie-musical Dad and I ever watched together and both loved and he randomly yelps and spins around like the scarecrow) Dusty =Smelly Cat by Phoebe (our favorite show) roommate Sarah= I like your hair (something we listen to on limewire) Chathy=Pinky and the Brain theme song (because she’s a genius and I’m insane) and my default ringer is No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
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