It began as a reply to
starfishchick thoughts on
the low voter turnout. But as is my way, I started rambling and so I decided to make a post of my own.
Only fifty-nine percent of eligible voters participated last night's election. It was our lowest voter turnout ever.
I understand that people feel frustrated and impotent. But opting out? No. Because (and forgive the platitude) democratic politics don't work that way.
First of all, there's the common lament that "My vote doesn't/didn't/won't" make a difference. Which is true in a way. Except in the most rare of case, a single vote doesn't affect the outcome of an election. But it's not supposed to. Votes are meant to telegraph the approximate collective will of our populace. This isn't Athenian Democracy. We don't all get an individual say. Which can suck sometimes.
Second of all, I'd ask anyone to give me an example of non-participation has improving the state of government. Yes, corrupt governments have been defeated or forcefully overthrown and replaced with arguably superior systems or leaders. But even in those cases, people *did* something. In the case of yesterday's election more people than ever opted to do nothing. And 37 days and more than $ 300M later nothing much as changed. Might there be a correlation?
Thirdly, while "boycotting" an election doesn't do anything, there are many ways to protest. The simplest way is to refuse your vote. That involves going to the polling station, taking a ballot and handing it back. It's the only way a non-vote can actually be recorded. Or take an active role. If none of parties do it for you, get involved with the one you hate the least and shake things up from within. If you're frustrated because you feel the system isn't fairly representative, you could look into support a transition to a system like
MMP. It's hard to be a lone voice, so gather up a bunch of similarly disenfranchised people and stir up some shit. Which is not easy and often not fun.
I'm sure some people just don't give a shit what our government is or does. And while I don't agree, I also won't argue. If one is truly apathetic, then of course they don't have to vote. But frustration, anger, annoyance...all those are signs that you actually care. And if you care, then I think you need to be an active participant in our system, if only by showing up on election day. Because, IMHO, that's the only way it can work.