R.I.P Atco Multiplex :(

Sep 02, 2008 19:46

well i'm cracking out the old keyboard for a little update of my life as of today.

well, my last day of work on monday at the Atco Mulitplex came way to sudden to even comprehend. honestly, those people meant so much to me that on my drive home, i teared up a bit, like i really did love that place and loved being there, it was my second home, we were a family. one of my employees even printed out a sheet saying "Atco Multiplex, more than a job, we're a family." and put it up on a bulletin board. seeing that, not to sound like a complete sap or anything, but really made me feel like i found true hearted people in a workplace and that's tough to come by usually. man, that job was my first job ever and no other job can take the place of it. those people had some much heart and i enjoyed all the times we had together, everytime was a good time. the best part is it still doesn't have to end because the thing i love about the employees are that we hang out whenever, wherever. like there are still parties, concerts, and good times with them yet to come. even last night, i went to our last diner escapade(we all use to go to the palace after work on occasions with other employees, managers, or what have you.)and it was just a buncha laughs the whole time, i'll miss that also. LJ, this is a big part of my life. a year and so many months of memories dedicated to that movie theatre that i'm never to forget. i've meet some of the greatest individuals i've come across there, and i'm thankful for it. sorry if that was a bit too much, haha. anyways, it's true the Atco Multiplex Cinemas is closed as of Monday, September 1st being the last day. only to be used as either storage or a mini-mall of target and walmart...either way, it sucks the big one.

Anyways, on the upside of my entry, i got a job at a place i think has heart just like Atco did, not another movie theatre(cause i was offered a job at the Ritz for a transfer but declined due to it being in voorhees and all.) but Partyland, a place where i visited occasionally and seen my friends having pretty chill times and i can hope that i will experience a similar experience there as i have for Atco, though it won't be identical, i'm excited to move on in life and accept change when it comes my way. i believe this is a good change for me, i think it'll be an experience i have yet to come by and will enjoy. thanks brinney for sending me that text! haha

well, enough about manual labor, today is officially the last day of my summer, tomorrow i start at the notorious Camden County College. i actually went there today, the start of fall semester(i don't have classes on tuesdays though), anyways just to get a feel for the college i walked around and found where all my classes are so i can save myself some time tomorrow when i'm running around like a complete geek. i'm actually pretty excited, even though CCC gets a bad rep or whatever, it shone through all of that propoganda today. the place freaking sparkled. maybe not that much, but it really felt homey and comfortable, and that's just what i need. comfort.

oh i'd like to highlight just one occasion today that really got my panties in a bunch. a lady at wawa was getting a coffee like "normal" americans do, but i too was getting something kinda like it, a mixed slushie. so you know how those cash registers are in a circle formation, well, the line was growing vigorously behind me as i waited to be the next customer to be rung up, this "lady", if i can even call her a lady since the thing she did was no such of a lady quality, stares me straight in the eye and then looks away and then stares straight into my eyes again, knowing i'm next in line. i'll have you know this is all going down as she is positioned diagonal to me but right behind the man infront of me being rung up. he leaves, i move in to be rung up and she moves in just a gray hair faster than me only to cut infront of me and a line of folk. i was furious. i mean not that i was waiting a long time and became impatient, but that old geyser just took it upon her self to just welcome herself to my space in line. i mean hey she must've needed that coffee real bad. i should have leaned over, whispered in her ear, "are you really that old that you need a handicap space in the line; i have cancer; you smell funny and i don't like you right now; youza wrinkley mess, sir " all of those things would have done just fine to get my point across. wow, sorry if i spewed too much anger, just thinking about it got me angry. i was just hoping someone wouldn't hold the door for her on her way out.

well, LJ munch on that until i bring you something more tasty.
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