(no subject)

May 16, 2008 23:24

I just reread my last post, and I clearly failed at posting more often. I think this is longest I've ever gone.

I'm stuck in Tallahassee all summer with classes, but it's not so bad because I've got my own wonderful apartment, if only for a few months.
School's going really well for me. I almost made Dean's List last semester. I only missed it by 0.04. Failure.
I think these summer classes will help bring up my GPA. I think my total FSU GPA is like 3.47 and my dad REALLY wants me to graduate with honors, so I'd like to be able to do that. I hope I can.

I broke up with Jason David earlier this week.
We were together for just short of 5 months. The first 3 were everything I ever could've hoped for in a boyfriend. The last two... not so much.
I love him more than I ever thought I'd be capable of doing again, but we just weren't communicating anymore.
After Justin, I promised myself that I would never stay in another relationship where I didn't feel like I was being treated the way I deserve... and I was feeling that way with him.
I'm not really holding out any hope that we'll get back together. I just want to salvage our friendship.

Lots of weddings recently.. that's not helping my heart.

I'm kinda talking to Chad again though. I know that's a disaster, but right now, I just need some attention, as awful as it sounds.

I miss the boys from back home terribly.
But it's becoming more and more obvious we're all growing up... and apart.
I hate that, but it was bound to happen. I just want to hold on to it as long as I can.
I don't think I'll ever get to have friendships like these again. What husband would allow that?

In family news, Tim graduated college.
I don't think anyone ever saw that day coming. But it happened and I could not be more proud of him.
Didn't exactly graduate with honors, but what can you expect? :)
Thomas decided to sign up for another tour with Disney on Ice.. in South America.
Mom had a melt down. Haha. Big surprise.
Dad recently accepted a new job offer. I can tell he's not too excited about it, but I think it'll be good for the whole family that he takes it.
Tension is kinda high right now.

We recently passed a year since Christopher died.
I think about him every single day and still cry to songs on the radio.
I don't know that I'll ever get over that.
I know that I continue to idealized our relationship, but I can't help it. Anyone else would do the same.
At least I knew where I stood on a daily basis with him. It wasn't easy, but it sure as hell wasn't hard.

Maybe I'll try to update more?
That's a lie. Don't count on it.
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