Jul 21, 2004 01:00
I can't sleeeeeeeeeeeeep!!!!!!!!!! My bed is less comfortable than a concrete slab, and my pillow is flat... sadness is me.
Gee-golly, I haven't updated in AGES. Well, if five months counts as ages. Does to me. A lot can happen in five months. A lot you'd like to remember, which would be easy if you could just read it in your journal. But, sadness, for you are a lazy-ass.
Anyway, a lot of important things happened lately, but I'm too lazy to try and remember it all and type it here. Plus, I'm ultimately gonna leave a lot out anyway. It's better to try and write when the stuff is fresh in your mind, not trying to remember it five months later.
God, I've been so lazy with this journal too. I've had it for like a year, and I've been very lazy and intermittent with entries. And this has been one of the most significant years of my life. Prolly my favorite year so far. Definitely my favorite year of high school. Oh well. Here's hoping for the future. I'm not promising anything, like I'll be better about updating, cuz I do that all the time and it almost never happens. But I really do wanna try.
So, I'm here, saying hello to all you out there in Internet Land. Yes, I am still around, although it's not apparent by my journal. I really was thinking of just giving up on the whole thing, but I like it too much. Maybe I'll give up on this one and start a new one though. I dunno. Haven't decided yet.
La-de-da, it's one in the morning, so sorry if this makes little sense. Actually, you shouldn't hope for better any other time though.