So I'm breaking my predictability because I'm going home tonight (maybe tomorrow if the roads aren't clear to hang with the fam for my birthday).
First of all the meme from
cmbarrytx The Rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better. If I already know you well, expect the questions may be a little more intimate!
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
1. Tell me about where you want your life to be in 20 years.
Wow 20 years. I'll be 43? Hmmm... interesting. I hope to be living on the east coast possibly around DC/Baltimore. Hopefully I'll be married with a child or two. (Depends if Matthew Perry can get his act together... just kidding). I hope to be on the staff at a pediatrics ER somewhere in the area. I wish I could have a more surprising answer but really I just hope to be happy, healthy and loved.
2. What was your first fandom?
I'd guess it would depend on your definition of fandom. My first ship was Doug/Carol on ER back when I was 13 or something and I had no idea of of what a ship was. I was going to say that I think Gilmore Girls was the first time I ever participated on a forum (I read the West Wing one sometimes but I never participated) but I forgot that in my sophomore year of college I was part of a General Hospital forum and met these 5 crazy girls who, like me, all wanted Ned and Alexis together. I only keep in touch with one of those girls now, but I can't believe I forgot about that.
3. You've talked about writing a novel (you didn't think I was paying attention, did you?). What kind of a novel would you like to write?
Actually I already have the basic premise for my novel written down. Not the ending of course, that will hopefully come as I write it but I have the basic idea. It's I guess what you would call women's fiction. Something along the lines of Jodi Piccoult (my favorite author) or Sue Miller or Patricia Gaffney. You'd think I'd write more along the lines of Robin Cook, the medical dramas, which I love, but not as much as the women's fiction. And basically I think The Deep Blue goes along the lines of women's fiction so it's not much of a jump except that I have to create my own characters and my own little world.
4. When you were a little girl, what was your favorite toy?
Ummm.... I'm not sure what I would say was my favorite toy. I could tell you that I liked to make up stories and act them out in my backyard but that's not a toy. Well I guess I could include my Barbie's then. I just loved the idea of making up stories and using the Barbies to act them out.
5. What is your favorite dessert?
I don't actually eat dessert much. Oh I know, there's this Hungarian cake called a Dubbish Torte (I'm pretty sure I spelled that wrong). Anyways there's about 10 or 12 layers of this thin cake with layers of like a chocolate mousse in between. And there's this candy covering on top. I'm not describing it well but it's my grandmother's favorite dessert and mine and there's this little bakery in Cleveland that makes the best one. Oooh, my mother keeps saying she's got a special dessert for my birthday, I wonder if this is it!
No school yesterday. Of course I was one of 4 people to show up to class. I checked my email at 7am but apparently they didn't send out the email until 8. Apparenlty they changed the rules two years ago so that when the univeristy is closed the medical school is as well.
But the roads were terrible I noticed on my 1 minute walk to class. I kept falling through the snow because we had about a foot of snow and then a twon inch layer of ice on top and then another 4 or 5 inches of snow. And the ice kept breaking and I kept falling through. Made me wish I had bought boot earlier this year when I'd thought about it.
But it was a nice day. I ended up just playing Sims and watching ER with my roomie (I got the 3rd season in the mail the other day). And I didn't have that meeting with the counselor so I guess I'll have to make that up next week as well as apparently 3 hours of lecture on menstruation.
I so totally love this new sims game I started. It keeps it interesting to switch between the 5 families. Of course I love the babies and toddlers so much that yesterday I got all 3 of the adult women knocked up by their husbands. One of them is definiately never going to have another child. I swear after she gave birth neither her nor her husband was interested at all in the kid. I guess that's why you don't get a Fortune Sim and a Romance Sim to have a baby. But I have had fun getting the Romance Sim to cheat on his wife without her knowing it. I'm so evil but eh, they're not real, so it's okay by me.
I'm supposed to meet up with Boy when I go home this weekend. Don't know much more than that. It will be interesting.