
May 07, 2002 16:11

musical theatre today. i perform.
bell rings.
mr g's talking to me, i'm walking backwards up the aisl of the auditorium to the doors, i say "bye" and turn around.
some background on me. i have tons of homework every night...regardless of if i do it or not, i have a ton of stuff in my bag. so i had a heavy bag, two binders in one hand, and my shoulder bag in another.
so i turn around.
my bag hits a chair in a row...and i keep turning b/c i didnt notice, so it flngs me backward.
onto the floor.
into between two rows of seats.
in front of seth, mr g, emily, emily and jack.
i scraped my back on a chair that was DOWN not up like it freaking should be. i'm going to have a bruise down my whole thigh tomorrow morning.

it was funny i admit it.

i guess it's funnier when you were either there or when i tell it in person. SHMEH.

also, seeing mr bickum and mrs bellmonte throw sprinkles at each other this afternoon.
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