Aug 08, 2005 13:57

Guess who survived band camp for the second year in a row? Me! I must say it wasn't that bad. Sure I couldn't wait til Saturday to go home but I wasn't absolutely ready to die like last year. It was extremely hot, much hotter then last year. There were no days where I was out on the field wearing sweats and a sweatshirt like last year. There was a day when it rained almost all day which made things cool for awhile, thank GOD! Except that day we had to have a three hour music rehearsal in the lodge with Mr. Tippet. Oh jeez....that guy was insane. Things I learned from Mr. Tippet: When you get mad at your mom don't be afraid to kick her while she's in the garden. Throw babies! haha He was one crazy guy. He helped us with the music, as much as everybody hated him he really really improved us. We sound ten times better than last year. I mean we're already playing bigger then we ever played for the BIG BRASS ENTRANCE in Appalachian Spring last year. He basically took over Mr. Steele's job.I never thought I'd say this but I missed Steele! lol The first music rehearsal Steele was working with us and Mr. Tippet asked to say something or whatever and he ended up working with us the whole freaking rehearsal. Oh I should say working with the low brass. The woodwinds hardly ever got to play, which is actually fine by me. We usually got to sit and relax while the poor brass had to stand and play. Anyway......we had a new clarinet instructor. Boy, was she way better then last year's instructor. Last year's was mean and not useful. This year's was actually nice and helpful. The drill seems pretty cool, I really wouldn't know since I can't see it. We have a cool turn and a bunch of weird confusing right foot step offs. Our music got changed at the last minute so I wasn't able to play that in the show cuz I really didn't have the time to memorize it.

The schedule was breakfast at 7:30.....wake up at 6:45. Morning rehearsal at 8:30 at the field. Lunch at noon. Sectional at 1. Music full band rehearsal at 2. Recreation time from 3-5. Dinner at 5. Rehearsal at 6. Evening activity somewhere between 9 and 9:30. Then after the activity me, Christine, and Sarah ran as fast as we could to get to the showers before everyone else cuz we didn't want to wait in line. We were always out of breath cuz it's not a short walk from the lodge to our cabins.....or a short run. But we always got there first and we never had to wait in line. It became tradition to run to the shower. Even after star gazing when it was like midnight. Technically we weren't allowed to shower but our chaperone let us. She was a cool chaperone, I had her last year in the same cabin too! So I want to have her again in the same cabin next year, that would be awesome. The first activity was lame, star gazing was amazing as usual along with the bonfire (but Sarah kept laughing...I was laughing too but I wasn't out loud, she couldn't hold it in and would make these weird high pitched noises while everybody else was completely silent). One night we didn't have an activity, instead we had ice cream sandwiches. Then there was skit night, which was a riot. I didn't participate in the clarinet skit this year, it was pretty funny, but nothing can top last years. The trumpets did good as usual....well I shouldn't say all of them....only some of them had funny parts. The guitar and harmonica duet was amazing, the chaperones did pretty good, so did a couple of other sections. Anyway....then there was Friday night, the big bonfire and then the dance. The dance was fun with some boring parts, overall fun though. The prank was lame this year. They came around to the cabins and started making a bunch of noise and banging the shutters, they wrote on people's faces with lipstick and sprayed silly string. I was half asleep and I sat up without thinking so somehow I got a chunk of lipstick in my sleeping bag and got it all over it and my pajamas, and somehow on my face. They took our instruments while we were at the dance as usual, and they took everybody's pillow. They used them to make an 06 on the field. They saran wrapped everybody's instrument and duct taped them. But they didn't do a very good job. They put like two pieces of caution tape on the bridge and two people stood there with squirt guns but they didn't even squirt everybody, not me at least. Then up at the field entrance there were people with water balloons. I managed to dodge those. Then they gave us all colors and we had to stand in different parts of the field and they came over with water balloons and one hit me on the foot really hard, it fricken hurt. Then they made us lay down on the wet grass. That was it. I didn't even get wet cuz I waited til the last minute to lay down and didn't really let myself touch it and we only layed there for like 5 seconds. It was really gay.

Then the parents came and we performed in the hot sun. Then we went home. My dad got me Burger King and then Thai food for dinner. Yum yum. It was nice to have fast food again with pop! The food at camp wasn't that bad. My favorites were chicken quesedillas and spaghetti. No mystery meat stroganoff! As for the people in my cabin....they were cool except one extremely annoying girl. She complained about everything, she was always so negative and moody, she had a serious attitude problem, she's a horrible marcher....or should I say walker, her flute angle is horrid, and she talks back to Steele. She got so annoying that we had the chaperone go out and buy a rubber snake to put in her bed, she freaked out when she found it, it was hilarious. We were gonna prank the rookies in our cabin by duct taping the ladders to get to their beds but we never got an opportunity to. All of them were on top bunks except one. It would have been perfect. This year I got a good and Christine practically ran to our cabin, we left our suitcases at the bus and went to go get a good bed. There was no way I was getting top bunk.

So that was band camp, I'm sure there's a bunch of stuff I'm missing, but oh well. I have to be at practice in an hour. Three, three hour rehearsals this week. Kill me now! BYE!
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