Jun 06, 2005 22:36
Stupid Andy just spit water all over me........yuck. I haven't written in foreevveerrr. I'm extremely bored at the moment and I don't feel like going to bed yet so I am forced to write an entry. My summer is going I'd have to say only...okay. I finished drivers ed, finally!!!! I just did my last drive today so I'm going to get my permit on Friday. My teacher was the coolest guy in the world. Mr. Montross. He was so much fun!! One drive we went to Seven Eleven and he bought us slurpies, haha. We talk about our love lives and how guys suck, and it was just a blast. He made me back into a spot today....that did not go so well and he started making fun of me so I told him to BITE ME! lol He started laughing and he was like, wow Amanda I've never seen this side of you before,you're very SASSY. lol Oh jeez, that class was a riot. YAY! Now I am going to drive drive drive. Alysha got her license today but noooo her parents have to be stupid and not let her drive people around for another 3 months. What crap is that. Oh well....
So my summer had been nothing but drivers ed, driving, and reading reading reading. I have yet to go to any sectionals or I would have added that in my lovely list. WHY please tell me WHY I signed up for AP English, what was I thinking? These books are horrific. And I hear the teacher is a real nutcase. OH dear........junior year is going to be a very stressful year for me. Marching band is going to be much more hardcore, AP English, Chemistry (yuck...again what was I thinking), ACT, MEAPS, AHHHHH. Oh yea....I was thinking that all these hard core classes would look good for college. I just need to get this year over with.
I was speaking with my dad today about when I eventually get my license. I don't know if he's going to provide a car for me to drive, like he did with Phil. What the hell is that. Anyway.....he says he'll buy me a car if I move to South Lyon. Ummm no. Car or no car, I am not leaving my school. It is so tempting though. Oh well, I'll figure something out. I have a long time before I get my license.
My summer is so boring!!! I need to go to the mall or something. Better yet, I wanna go walking through the woods on a nice cool windy day. Not too sunny but not stormy. But of course rain is always good. I love the outdoors, I'm not out enough.
I bought a little pink knitted poncho, it is adorable. I can't wait to wear it. Just thought that was some interesting news. haha Well I'm off to see the wizard. BYE!
P.S.: I really wanna watch Titanic, strange. lol