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Jun 23, 2006 23:35

I have't updated in a LONG time. But I just thought you guys (whoever still reads this...) should know that I have finally made a final decision about where I am going to school next year...and the winner is: College of Charleston! I am extremely extremely excited to go here. I visited this week ad the campus is BEAUTIFUL. I cannot express in words how beautiful this campus is...like...i thought Sarah Lawrence was amazing, but this is like 129872398734 times better. It is AMAZING. The school's statistics have 25% of the graduating class going to medical school, and together with the other forms of graduate schools that is a HUGE number. i thikn 18% go to law school, 11% go to business school, and another 25% go to some other graduate school for something else....so that is almost 75%. I don't think that much more than 25% of the graduating class could have applied to medical school with those kinds of statistics....so yeah. REALLY excited. I will probably major in psychology and do my pre-med requirements, as you can't major in just premed. Also, I found out that I am not going to be getting housing from the school (apparently EVERYWHERE is short housing) so i was frantically trying to find a place to live and ended up finding this INCREDIBLE house with this amazing amazing girl and we are pretty much the same person and I am SO excited to live with her. Her name is Kendall, and she is really cool. The house is like...a 10 minute walk to the main campus (which is huge...well huger) and a 5 min walk to the library...and I am going to bring a bike and I am even excited about that. I have orientation July 17-18 and I am hoping my parents just let me move down there then. This place is amazing....it has everything. It is an incredibly old city, but beautiful. It reminds me of a mixture of San Fransisco, Florida, and New orleans. Great food. Beaches. Anything you could ever want...except Chris...but we are working on it. I am SOOO happy right now. I just want to leave right now. Oh, and p.s. the winter average temperature is 50. How amazing is that. I hate wearing jackets, and now I will only have to wear sweatshirts. AHHHH I am in my glory.
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