Nov 08, 2004 19:41
so as i've been thinking about our relationship, i've realized that my mother do not have a normal relationship. i've said that before, but i have now realized that she is like an older sister. and its a lot easier for me to look at her as a sister than to look at her like a mom. i've never walked in the door and said "hi mom" it's always been "MOM!" or "hey" or "hola" or SOMETHING. we don't have mother-daughter conversations, because i'm usually the one that does the listening...over the drama at the barn. so just because we don't have a perfect classic relationship, don't think that we don't talk at all. because for serious, we do. its usually about the kinds of random things that ou may talk about with your friends. and she really is funny, i used to think it was annoying, but now i've just developed an appreciation for her humor.
And now...i would like to key you in a few of our classic moments:
(WARNING there are alot...i apologize in advance)
ME: AAH! i just cut my finger
MOM: sshh i'm on the phone
ME:ugh fine
MOM: (talking to my grandma) hang on a second, lauren, can you let the dogs out?
ME: this pineapple's from costa rica
MOM: why can't the US just grow their own pineapples?
MOM: what are you doing with that?
ME: i'm gonna draw it
MOM: thats not art...
ME: it's a garden wouldnt like it
MOM: i like hamburgers
GRACE: it reminds me of the woods
MOM: and a bear! pooping in the woods! no... a raccoon!
DAD: so when did you want to go to vermont?
MOM: i dunno, what are we doing for dinner?
"bye tillie!!"
"girls!!...lauren, that means you too!"
(^ she likes to set me and the dogs on equal grounds)
"you have your fathers legs"
MOM:lets watch bob!
KELSEY: he's pretty
MOM: (in mean, paranoid voice) what?!
KELSEY: (in frightened paranoid voice) i was serious...
"who short-circuited my window?!"
ME: its angus
MOM: the beef?!...Lauren's watching a movie about meat!!!
ME: he's still at work, he said he'll be there for a while
MOM: i bet he's drinking
ME: i don't think so not, at work
MOM: a bar
"ugh...pants do NOT belong below the belly button"
MOM: i fed your cat and his stupid friend
ME: my hamster?
ME: you should do the walk for hunger with us this year
MOM: as long as i can walk, and don't have to run
and finally:
"smile with your eyes you look stoned"
o how i love that woman.
peace outside the box