Apr 20, 2009 16:36
Dear Kaiser,
Suck. My. D*ck!
So let me get this straight. I eat well. I exercise. I don't smoke and I rarely drink anymore. I have a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and veggies and low in fats. And yet, for some strange reason, I have put on 10 lbs in one month, and lost almost 0% body fat.
So I take the next logical step and have you run up a full bloodwork. And what were your exact results?
"Your cholesterol is a little high, but it should go down with losing weight, which is your goal, correct?"
Seriously. You're not f*cking with me? My entire freakin' reason for going to you was because my body seems to hang on to everything I eat. I go and have you take my blood and run every test you have to find out why I'm internally screwed up, why I'm not losing any weight when scientifically I should be, and THAT'S the answer you give me? I'll lose weight when I lose weight.
Honestly, I'm at a point where I'm just about to give up, cancel my gym membership and start eating meatball sandwiches and washing it down with chocolate milkshakes and 2-liter cokes.
For f*ck's sake, how much is liposuction!?