Apr 08, 2008 03:06
Yeah, it's been a long LONG time since I used this thing. I think I needed the break. So let's get on this.
*Things with the last girl I was seeing went south. That Text message conversation went something like this:
KPJ-Hey, come over and watch Garden State with me.
HER-Umm...I don't think that's a good idea.
KPJ-Ok, why?
HER-I'm kinda seeing someone right now.
KPJ-an hour passes
HER-Are you mad?
KPJ-two days pass
HER-Tell me you're not mad.
I really haven't talked to her much since then. I finally man up'd and reminded her that I wasn't looking for another female friend that I had feeling for to date and just have me waiting in the wings. That I'm looking for someone and if she doesn't want me, I hope she's happy with what she gets. I can't say I wonder if she is, because that would imply actually giving a fuck.
I've been going to the gym pretty religiously. In the month of March I lost about 10 lbs, which keeps me right on track of my 30 by 25th goal (note: 30 lbs by May 25th. If you dont know what may 25th is, put a gun in your mouth). It's hard going with Jeremy and Steve because they are only there for about an hour. I' usually there for 2-3. I haven't been as strict on my diet as I should have been this past week, which is moderately regrettable, but hey, whatcha gonna do? That and I pretty much took all of last week off of the gym because I was working so much damned overtime. I mean, three 12 hour days in a row, coming in at 0300 is killer, especially when you're dealing with 1)Insomnia; and 2)a crappy, inconsiderate roommate. I ended up calling in sick for yesterday because I needed the sleep and the three days I worked, I worked with Bev, who has been REALLY sick for about a week, but still comes to work everyday and coughs everywhere. Gotta love that woman, though.
I lost my temper last night. I haven't lost it in years. Like, over 5 years. Isaac, my cavetroll of a roommate set me off last night. But you don't know anything about Isaac, so here's your briefing:
Isaac is a 20 year old recluse who spent 5 years in home school because of his inability to communicate with others. Yes, I suppose his parents thought it would help to take him out of a scenario where he would actually have to converse with others. Isaac is 6'2 280lbs. If it's made of 90% processed sugars, he's eating it. He lives on a steady diet of Orange Soda, Oreo's, hot pockets (two at a time) and chocolate muffins from Costco. I joke that he'll get the Diabeetus by his late 20's and for some odd reason he thinks it's funny. Isaac does not work. His dad is loaded and pays for everything. Isaac does not go to school. He personally believes that he has somehow tricked his college professors into not caring about him so they don't call his parents when he skips school like they used to do in high school. He likes his "mind games" like using ones laundry soap and lying about it. Or leaving his dishes in the sink and saying he didn't. Yes, this is his definition of a mind game. I thought it was just being a shitty liar, but apparently I was mistaken. Isaac wants to be a science fiction writer, though Isaac also has one of the most constricted vocabularies I have ever witnessed. He speaks without actually saying anything. He backtracks and changes his story 14 times to attempt to vary the outcomes which rarely happens. Isaac never leaves the house. His Dodge Duster has almost been towed by neighbors three times as an abandoned vehicle. Isaac gets mad when he doesn't get his turn on a PS3 game that Jeremy and I are playing and slams his door. He closes doors in peoples faces. He takes showers with no soap. He's addicted to WoW and plays japanese pop music loudly at 3am. I don't like him. I may actually hate the kid.
Well, we were all playing Rock Band the other night and he was being his usual awkward self, and not shutting up. So I said, to quote the movie the Wedding Singer "Sir, I will strangle you with this microphone wire". He got up and told me to do it, trying to punk me out. I asked him if he was serious and he said yes and to go ahead and try. This hostility came out of nowhere, so I just told him to sit down so we could play, and he kept coming at me like he was trying to call me out and start something. Now, as most of you know, I am not a confrontational person in the least. So I said this isn't worth it and that I'm not gonna play with a guy like that. So, I turn and walk away from the situation. Well, as luck may have it, he thought he could trash talk while I was being the bigger guy and walking away from the situation. Then he REALLY messed up and said I couldn't man up and was going to my room to cry like a baby. I lost it. All I remember is throwing my door open and start yelling. So then Jeremy steps in and starts going at him so what does he do? He goes to his room and closes the door....on Jeremy's face. It pretty much ended with Jeremy almost losing it and beating him senseless, but walking away. It got bad for a minute there. But needless to say, he's on his way out.
Sadly, that's all I've really been up to. Gym. Work. Watchin' movies. I'm pretty much done with the attempting to date thing. Until I get my game into perspective and lock everything else down, it goes on the back burner.
Audrey-to your random phone calls that seem to come just when I need them.
Jeremy-To not breaking Isaac's skull. That would have been a fun report to fill out.
Axl-To getting too damn big. I'm not buying that lil bastard a new aquarium for at least another year.
Jessica-You're on the list.
Peace kids, I promise I'll start writing in this thing more often.
fall out boy...weird....