May 12, 2010 20:22
My choral director who has been telling me that she has everything under control, came to me today and told me that there are three songs she still has not taught.
We open in three weeks.
Today was her last rehearsal with them.
Friday we start running with sound.
Hmmmmm . . . .
She is working two jobs right now, and I just don't think she is managing well. I've been a bit concerned about her, is what I'm saying. This behaviour is atypical, though the kids assure me that no, it is not. They came to me in a flock yesterday, bitching to me that it always happens this way and that this year they feel particularly unprepared.
Well, I am actually very well prepared, and if I need to give her a couple of rehearsals I can do that.
Tomorrow, we techno-glo the stage.