Life keeps chugging along

Jun 25, 2008 22:51

Wow it has been a long time LJ. I've kept up on reading my friends' post but not on writing any of my own.

I really don't like to take the time to be intropsective. Prattling off about recent experiences is fine, but I get anxious if I take too long looking over my actual feelings and the life lessons I've learned. I prefer to do this in conversation with close friends.

Here's what I feel like saying to the web universe tonight:

*I got into acting 2 and I am extremely excited about it. I did everything that I possibly could to reach this goal and wonder of wonders my work paid off. I'm still kind of in shock even though the list went up well over a month ago. I'm still rather freaked out though and filled with some feelings of inadequacy. I had been trying so hard to prepare myself to be ok with rejection that I've almost become disconected with the part of myself that considers itself an actress. Mind games can really do a doozy on you if you let'em

*I've made many silly decisions in romantic relationships. The fact is though, I'm learning from these silly decision. Plus, I'm only 20 and should be allowed to go out and have a good time. So far I'm having a great time and plan on continuing to do so

*People don't listen even when you warn them.

*I'm sick of stretching myself between my family members while still trying to find time for my friends and the litle errands I must run. I truly look forward to being back in Ashland on my own terms, spending my time how I choose without worrying about hurting someones feelings. I love my Dad but he just needs to leave off on the guilt trips.

*My future gets blurrier and blurrier all the time, but I'm coming to expect the loss of focus. I want to be content with the little joys, the people life gives me to love, and the self-respect I can earn from pouring myself into my daily life.

That'll do for tonight.
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