Jul 02, 2005 15:08
Living on my own has to be one of the most difficult things I have ever done, not to mention the most exciting. I've been living in this quaint little apartment in Tempe with my two testosterone-driven roommates for a little over 2 weeks now and I don't think I've ever been so stressed in my life. I'm very happy though.
I began my internship at the Maricopa County Democratic Party headquarters a few weeks back, and that has gone better then anyone could have ever expected. I've already become a semi-permanent member of the county team who goes by the title of "Grassroots Organizer". Jeanne is still training me, but my duties from this point on will be the organization and overseeing of all communications between the community, the Precinct Committee People, the District Chair People, and the county party. It's rather mind-blowing to just sit back and see how far I've come in such a short time. All while I've been establishing my independance and my psuedo-manhood as well. Sometimes I think I'm going to pop from all of the responsibility. But I love it.
Tomorrow is the Tempe Town Lake 4th of July Festival, which you should ALL come to. I'll be registering voters all day long and then I'll sit and watch the #1 fireworks show in the state over the glassy waters of my favorite man-made lake. It should prove to be quite the experience.
Tuesday is the District 17 Democrats meeting, where I will be voted on and sworn in as the Precinct Committeeman for the Tempe-10 precinct. Even more responsibility.
Still looking for a new job so I can get away from the mundane fast-food world.
Grown a goatee, which makes me look 10 years older. You wouldn't believe how many college girls fall in love at first sight with men who have goatees. It's quite extraordinary.
I'm off to my bowling league with my lovely sort-of-girlfriend Andrea. What a nerd, I know.
This is my life. Saving the world, one voter at a time. I love you all!