So I made
these and
these, as I mentioned earlier, and they were/are/will be absolutely amazing. I merely wish to point this out for the benefit of any who might've been debating whether or not to make one or both. Do it. Do it now. You'll thank me in the morning.
ETA: This month, I've been spending Sunday mornings hanging out with a new kid, Oliver. He's a hoot. We mostly hang out while his parents get stuff done around the house or run errands, but having them there is rarely a distraction, unless it's time to have customers at our restaurant or to show off the totally sweet fort we've turned the living room into. I just got the following texts from his mom - we were going back and forth, of course - and I wanted to put them here as a reminder.
"People probably tell you this all the time, so I'll understand if you start yawning: You are the best babysitter."
"You inhabit a space few grown-ups can: in the moment, in the imaginary world, fully experiencing the play, purely delighted. Yet still responsible!!"
No matter what else is or isn't happening in my life, I am danged good mit der kinder. That makes me a pretty big deal.