May 18, 2005 23:09
OMG! it just hit me! i have like only ywo days of high school. ThenI will be gone! All my friends i may never see again. Im sooo sad. I feel like i didnt have many friends throughout high school and i just started making them at the end of this year. After i came out i felt soo much more comfortable around alot of people and they felt more comfortable around me. And now it seems like i knew them for too short a time. I am sooo sad. And i just had my dance concert! It was great. Im sooooooooooooooooo happy Corri came! I lurve her! I feel sooooo bad i couldnt give her a ride home though. And I kinda left her at my school. Im sorry Corri. I'll pay u back. I am sooo happy u came! Your awsome. Well after the concert me, Renie, and Jason went to Coldstone and saw Matt and Pat Cooper. It was funny! I had such a fun time. I love Renie and Jason. We talked along time. When i got home me and Renie just stayed parked in my driveway for like 30 minutes talking. it was great. I wish i came out sooner and I feel like now that i have i finally know myself and im happy. Before i came out i felt like i was constantly censoring my behavior and keeping stuff held in. And now i can just be myself and people dont mind.