(no subject)

Sep 05, 2006 21:27

So Josh finally got a job. I am so happy now he won't be sitting around the house all day bumbing off of me and maybe in the next 2-3 months we'll finally get outta this house. I know Billy's starting to drive me crazy and we think his mom is going senial or someting. I dont know maytbe she's Bi-Polar or something, but she's really wierd. It's like one moment she's mad at Josh or Billy and then the next minute she's being all nice. The other day came in and was yelling at Josh for some ungoddly known reason saying he's the reason she's broke, but she isn't and even if she was he's not the reason. She's the one spending her money on stuff and if she was so broke then she just needs to stop lending him money. She know he didnt have a job and couldnt pay her back and then the next minute she's asking us if she can take us out to dinner but ew turned it down because we don't want her using that against us too! i don't know but whatever. I'm just ready to get out. I have all my stuff in the garage just waiting to be used and to be put out for display. When My friends moved back down here Christy, Mike, SPencer, and Zach, while she was unpacking there was some stuff she didn't want anymore and she gave it all to me and so I have a shit load of awesome shit for our apartment. Now we just need ana apartment to go with it. :-)

Josh has a job as the new Service Manager for the Tire Kingdom on Atlantic and 9A. It's way the hell down there but it's better for him because he's making much more money and not work as many hours. He gets all thursday and sundays off for sure. His boss said that they've work way to long and hard o be working and extra 30 hours a week. I like him he's cool. When josh was at Allied he was work close to 60 hours a week with hardly 1 day off. Now he only has to work maybe 45-50 hours a day and gets 2 days off for sure and gets paid every week. Thats so much better for him and Tire Kingdom his bgger than allieds but almost as big as good year and they make 3 times as much money a month than they did at Allied so WOOT WOOT!!!!! I can see us in that new apartment soon!
Also me and Josh have talked about it and he's looking into getting another Eclipse and I'm wanting to start looking into honda's because they'er good on gas, they are cuter cars and they're not POS's likie all of FORDS models!!!

I'm so excited. I know it's still going to rough for us until his money comes rolling in and my paycheck isn't gone in the first week and we'll actually have money by the time I get paid again. Things are going to star changing around here!!!!

Well, I got a 10 cent rais at my 3 months. He said not many people get raises after 3 months. I mean it's not a huge raise but it's only my 3 month evaluation so i'm not crying and I have already gotten employee of the month plus the raise so I'm doing good. He had nothing bad to say about me either, he basically gave me all A's (if it were a report card that is). Now my 6 month eval. I will definately get another raise and it'll be a little bit bigger because everyone is supposed to get a 6 month raise so if I keep up with what I'm doing around there it might be bigger than what its suppose to be!!!!!!!!

I LOVE THIS LIFE~~~~~~~PARENT FREE~~~~~~~~LEGAL~~~~~~~~~~~~INDEPENDENT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AND FINALLY FREE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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