Sep 17, 2005 17:48
ok so i find ou tthat there are two paries going on today that i can go to my options are either
A)go to my little cousins party who is turning like 2 or 3 or something like that and be miserable because i am the only not an adult and im not a kid i just dont fit in)
B)go to johns party (someone i thought was a friend)a party i was not invited to but show up and crash it...i found ou tabout the party through seans brother reminding him about the party.
C)sit at home adn be alone,watch tv,or call up sean and annoy him(last resort)
what do you think i should do now mind you that sean is at johns party right now and he told me to call him if i get "bumbed out" at the family party,but i dont want to be one of those needy girlfriends who always call and gets already miserable and having a not so good day and i just want to curl up and have someone wake me up when september ends...