Jan 17, 2004 11:58
Cal Poly as never kicked so much ass. For one day I was proud to be a Chino girl. We made two scenes in the top six, hard to do in and itself and then we got first, fourth, one the Tech Olympics and got three people in the all star cast. WHAT IS THAT?!? Chino!!!!!!! Yay. Kim and I got a picture with the hotest of the Evil Monkey Empire...oh ya! And Kim, Heather and I followed strange voices into a hevily wooded area to meet wierd kids from Nogalas. The fear of rape didn't stop us. When we got up there this guy asked us if we need Jessica Acuna, she went to Chino last year, damned if that isn't the girl I made Stephan brake up with so he could date me. Well it was his cousin and he called and told her I was there and she got all pissed off. Oopsies..Anyway, the day was great. No drama, and some really good lunch. Panda Express rocked my world yesterday.
Then I was supposed to go to Ethan's shindig, which is what I should have done, but Katie called and told me she was having a hang out at her house, no parents, and Alan would be there. My damn winter formal date have nothing to say to eachother and we already bought the tickets. AND I come to find out that Daneil is dating some pagentry girl (what is that?) and I have no one!!!...Sure I don't " need" anyone, but I still lose! Eh. And I found out that Alan is going to be 18, and as the emotional majurity of a 13 year old. Last night was a waist, flirting got me no where, small talk got me no where. Kim and I ended up sleeping on Katie's couch while they listened to an Adam Sandler cd. Who does that? HE WOULDN'T EVEN PLAY TWISTER WITH ME!
So to be posotive here are the highlights of yesterday:
Meeting Kevin the hot guy in Evil Monkey Empire
Panda Express
I took a cute picture with Adam
Me and Kim's " If we were statues, we're going to pose like this:" pictures
Seeing Jason from Midsummer
Kissing Kimberly
Kissing Robert and not giving him the dollar
quoting Mitch Hedberg with Jamie
and getting the They Might Be Giants cd from Andy (thanks again)
back to homework.