Bipity Bopity Boo

Mar 31, 2010 21:31

I love alliteration. There is nothing that I love more than alliteration. My life would be empty is alliteration never exsisted. I always make it a point to use alliteration in my papers and sometimes it works, and then sometimes it comes out like crap. I got a paper back and the teacher acknowledged my use of alliteration in each paper of mine. Sight...I heart alliteration.

Today was such a fucking busy day, oh my goodness. It was seriosuly non-stop the whole day. It started with me waking up at 8 to finish some work for tomorrow because I knew that I would have no time in the rest of the day. By the time I was done I had to go to school for a political science organization meeting. I love those meetings only beause it is me talking to people that have the same love for politics as me. After that I went to the district to fill out a job application for their VIK Kids Club program, they pay well and they aren't long shifts at all.

**Note to Erin...I can get you an application for them to hire you during the summer because there is all kinds of openings for the summer progrms**

After that it was time for the Buckle interview. I thought it was ok, the manager was a little too ditzy for my taste but we had a very nice talk...and I will be going for a second interview, but I highly doubt this is the job I want. Also Arby's called me to tell me that they might want to hire me and will schedule an interview with me tomorrow. So that is an interesting prospect as well. A lot of good things in the job market for me right now which is something I am really liking. I am calling a few other places that I placed applications tomorrow so I can see what else is out there. If I get the Safeway job or Bank One job I can transfer easily to somewhere near Matt when I do move out.

Speaking of Matt I am going to go pick him up from work tonight. I hope the time I go is the time he gets out of work, cause it would really suck if he already go out by the time that I got there. Cause he can't call me from home because of his bastard parents. I wanna see him again...sigh.

I have to go get my car emission tested tomorrow...that is a lot of money and it is really going to suck big wang. Tomorrow is also april fool's and I have no one to april fool...dammit.
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