Two unhappy posts in less than 24 hours

Jun 05, 2011 07:07

Today is my Monday. During my two days off, someone else was doing my job. Because there is a fundamental lack of training for my weekend replacements and because almost no one I work with cares about my job or the things we sell, my Mondays are usually a disaster. I have to spend the whole day doing damage control, fixing everything that's been done wrong. Especially since this was a busy weekend.

I'm seriously starting to have anxiety problems toward the end of my weekends. I start stressing out about my job mid-day on my second day off and, by the next morning, I can barely make myself get out of bed, like if I stay there, time will cease to pass and I won't have to go in to work and handle this.

At least I can take some solace in the fact that the team lead who won't let anyone help me is on vacation. At least I know I don't have to contend with her. That information makes today a little easier.

I just want a replacement with some work ethic and basic knowledge about the product. I want a replacement who actually likes Lego and cares about making the toy sections of the store look nice. I want someone who can actually answer questions with information, instead of "I don't know." I shouldn't have to feel this much anxiety and stress about being gone for two days. I shouldn't have to worry this much about my job on my weekend. This is such crap.
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