[The fourth game has finally started, and Battler and Gretel have sat through this game for a while, and when Battler attempted to bring up a theory, Beato said that she'll allow him to use the blue text, and simply deny all his theories at the end instead of merely repeating things back and forth. The blue is meant for theories to deny the witch
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Exactly what it looks like, blue text.
Does doin' it in blue make it more true? How can you shoot off more like a shot gun just by makin' it blue?
E..eeehh...? No no, I think you're missing the definition of the blue text. On the gameboard, Beato can use red to say statements that are true, so I won't doubt her if she's saying the truth.
With the blue, whatever I say is like a theory to deny witches.
It's like verbal fighting, but there's a chance for someone to get harmed.
[oh he recalls what DM said about Greed not fighting girls...]
So especially in a verbal fight that's got reasoning stuff in it, girls don't gotta play fair. They can lie and cry and pull on yer heartstrings and change their stories and their minds left and right. It's one thing if it's just a headache, but if this can actually get yer ass kicked, that's a problem.
Back in the third game, Beato started to act all nice, and would even tear up on me and tried to get me to side with her. I did for a bit there, because I thought she changed- but then she turned back into her cruel self right at the end.
It as all thanks to Gretel that I was saved. I won't fall for her shit again.
Unless that kinda thing's what gets you in the mood. That's cool, too.
I am going to win, that much is clear. This isn't something I can back down from. Even if it takes longer than anticipated, this is a game between me and Beato. Gretel is just helping out... and I feel like I can trust her.
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