[Battler is sitting in the parlor, arms crossed, and a certain.... Christmas looking cookie hanging from his mouth. He's frowning a bit, the best he can at least, then he just reaches up and grabs it.]Ronove thought it would be funny to bake some different kinds of cookies... I told him something about Christmas, and now he won't stop...! That damn
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Not really slowed more like... the same repeating days. The game is always on October 4th and 5th, and here in purgatory time doesn't really move either.
Um... are you ...are you okay Dead-chan?
Repeating days in...purgatory.
[She raises the hand that's not been broken, waving it.] You need notconcern yourself.
Yeah, in purgatory, that's where I've been dragged to thanks to these witches. I'll stay here forever if I don't solve these games Beato keeps handing out to me.
[He frowns a bit more at that though.] I am concerned though, that won't change.
give up, no doubt.
I do so hopeyou wil not tire of that
[Sounds like an all too familiar scenario to her. Anyways, she ignores his second statement.] Perhaps thiswill mean you are able
to celebrate this tradition twice.
[One with the comm, the other if and when time ever moves on beyond October 5th.]
[he tilts his head at that, grabbing yet another cookie and nibbling on it.] I guess you're right... it won't... be the same Christmas though... ah- before this game happened, I mean.
gone through, not even the sky
would appear the same.
Y'know, that's if I even get out of here. I haven't even seen the sky here in forever, actually. It only ever rains.
Yeeahh I guess so, but it raining here is all part of the game yet again. Since that typhoon is a big part of the story.
over anything that remains the same...
but your story has just as much differencebetween repetitions of your game,than a storm, does it not?
Oh yeah tons of changes. The first game there was barely any magic going on, it was just weird letters and people randomly dying.
Second game, that one was focused more on Jessica, Kanon-kun, George-aniki, and Shannon-chan.
The third game here had Eva Oba-san's inner witch come out, and she took form and became Eva-Beatrice. She was the one who went around killing everyone, it wasn't Beato that time.
They are all very different games.
bored that way.
[--any more bored than the witches could get, she thinks. sorry she's being...kinda insensitive right now. even though this is honestly what she thinks.]
Yeah, definitely not. Still, I don't want this to go on forever.
[oops, he let that one slip.]
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