[Video post: Rewind virus]

Nov 18, 2011 17:58

[The video shows the inside a circular room. There is not much furniture, only a bed, a desk, a couple of chairs and a bookcase. The walls are decorated with tapestries, depicting battle scenes, and a few weapons on display. Over the hearth there is a relief of some kind of tree. Rose comes into view, shaking snow off of a cloak, and wearing plate armor. She is noticably different from other times the community has shown her. For one, she looks a couple years younger, her hair is pulled back and not as long, and she is not wearing the horned circlet that she always seems to have.

[She starts talking off the armor, stripping down to the wool clothing she has on underneath. As she starts to take off the chest plate, she notices the device that is recording, frowns and goes over to it.]

What in Soa's name is this thing? That Wingly woman better not be coming into my quarters and leaving things here. It's bad enough I have to tolerate her presence in court.

[She picks up the device still frowning. Then she closes it, shutting off the video.]

grabbag virus, rose

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