[accidental video]

Sep 24, 2011 17:23

[When the feed turned on, Waver could be seen standing across from a tall, dark-haired man, his arms crossed defensively over his chest. Waver appeared to be fuming; the tall man, on the other hand, was smoking a cigar and looking down at him with an expression of wry amusement.]

You really expect me to believe you when you're saying such ridiculous things!?

I don't much care what you believe, but I would appreciate it if you'd stop yelling. Even if I were here to harm you-- which I most certainly am not-- Rider's right in the other room. Unless you doubt the competence of your Servant?

I... that's not your concern! [Nope, yelling hasn't stopped.] If you are who you say you are, anyway, you should know exactly why I don't believe you!

I've never said that the whole situation doesn't seem... unusual. I don't know why I ended up here, but I imagine that some form of Second Magic is involved. It wouldn't surprise me, Zelretch lives to torment me.

That still doesn't convince me of anything.

Of course not. I don't blame you for being cautious. But standing here and yelling at me for the next hour isn't going to help matters at all, so you'll either have to take a risk and trust me, or call Rider in to get rid of me. I'd prefer the former to the latter, personally.

... [He appeared indecisive.]

Make a decision. Are you a Master or not? If you can't even make up your mind on something simple like this, how did you ever expect to survive?

[Waver's face went red with a mix of irritation and embarrassment. He stormed past the other man, heading for the door.] Rider!

[He stopped short when his wrist was grabbed. He looked down at it, and on the back of that hand were marks that look like a bruise or perhaps a birthmark of some sort.]

One more thing, by-the-by. [He leaned down to murmur something in his ear, too low to hear.]

[Waver stared up at him for several long moments.] ...Why the hell didn't you say something like that before?

That would've been too easy. And you should learn how to control that temper of yours-- it gets the better of you. [Now he definitely looked amused, and his expression only seemed to make Waver more annoyed.]

[Waver pulled his arm out of his grasp and left the room in a huff; he may have muttered something under his breath that sounded a lot like 'bastard'.]

[The man only shook his head at Waver's retreating back.] Idiot. Was I always that childish?

[He turned, and just so happened to look toward the computer. Leaning over slightly, he examined it for a moment.] So we had an audience for our little drama. How lovely.

...What's this about ducks?

[Replies will be coming from both older!Waver, Waver, or Rider (or any combination thereof.)]

me myself and i virus, waver velvet, rider

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