Would you please come out? We don't mean any harm...[Kurt is talking to the door of his closet, which is closed shut. Another voice, much younger, shouts an answer and Kurt flinches.]
No! I don't know you, I want my Dad, I...[The voice quivers and it sounds like the kid is about to cry. ] I want to see my mom.
But that's not....
Maybe we should leave him there for now.
[What seems to be a 30 year-old version of
Kurt is sitting cross-legged on the bed. He looks...let's say that Kurt grew up well, and his fashion sense didn't change much. He gives the teen version of himself a sad smile.]
You know that he...we?...us, won't get out of there. We were pretty difficult after her death.
He can't stay there forever, and if he keeps yelling someone will hear him.
I would be more worried about someone finding me in your room. Dad was very upset when he found Blaine in our bed, imagine how he'll act if he finds an attractive and talented adult in your room.
[Kurt scrunches his nose.] There's that too.