[It's Haro-cam time. Most specifically,
Evil-Haro cam time. The feed shows an awkwardly positioned close-up of aircrafts before picking up on some distinct footsteps. Soon, the Haro tries to catch the approaching person, focusing on their feet before turning up to get a good shot of their face. It's Mikhail's who looks more than confused.]
Where's... my Valkyrie?
[Just when he's about to inspect the area, the Haro responds as if his question was directed at it:] Don't know! Don't know!
[Startled by the new voice, Michel looks down to see a purple Haro. He crouches down to inspect it closer]
What the--? What is this?
[It starts to bounce in his hands] It's Haro, stupid! It's Haro, stupid!
Haro...? Where did you come from?
Your mom, your mom.
[Three seconds in and he's about ready to chuck the damn thing. However, Mikhail's quick to realize what all of this means.]
Hey, are you recording?
Obviously, obviously.
To whoever owns this thing-- uh, this Haro. Please tell me you don't have an expensive kind of sniping aircraft in your possession.
You're a sniper? You're a sniper?
Snipe all the targets! Snipe all the targets!