
Aug 25, 2011 16:05

[The scene opens on rolling green hills and a small house nestled in a small stretch of vibrant grass between them. Hakkai's settled against one of the walls, a cup in his hands as his green eyes keep careful watch over two small children playing nearby.

He glances up as if he heard something, then turns his head to take in the slight figure of a woman walking towards him. There's no mistaking the relationship between them when she bends to kiss him hello.

A blink, then the scene shifts to a small cluttered room, a busy Hakkai bustling around the room as he puts things back in order. If he's bothered by the idea of cleaning, he certainly doesn't look like it judging by the slight smile on his face.

The door opens, admitting a lanky redhead. The small smile inches up until the redhead kicks his shoes off in the middle of the floor. Sighing, Hakkai just shakes his head and points to the offending footwear. There's a bit of a stalemate as the redhead seems to fuss about moving his shoes, but in the end, Hakkai wins out. He always does, but even after all that, he's still smiling.]

cho hakkai, daydream virus

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