
Jul 11, 2011 13:07

[James obviously left his book somewhere on deck and has no idea that it's recording. The rain is sheeting down, making it almost impossible to see the people moving frantically across the deck. Men shout back and forth to each other, mostly indistinguishable, but there are brief snippets that broadcast clearly -- 'shifted course' and something about tangled sails.

There's the sudden sound of splintering wood and the shouting increases in volume. The last thing the Community broadcasts, before the video goes dead, is James throwing himself and another man out of the way as a heavy, polished column of yard -- previously the royal yard -- crashes to the deck.]

[OOC: James is a little busy right now, so replies will be forward dated a few hours later. And, if you haven't already, friend add cmdr_scruffy]

james norrington

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