[Accidental video]

Jun 07, 2011 20:09

It was a lovely evening, the stars were out and there was a nice breeze. Edward leaned against the railing of Winry's balcony, in a nice tank top. He'd healed up alright, well enough that he wasn't bandaged anymore. Al was on his mind, and a few other things. He looked out at the rolling hills, his eyes shadowed with thought.

Winry came up from the ground floor, her dress top speckled with water from washing the dinner dishes. She walked into her room, sighing softly, seeing the door to the balcony open, the curtains blowing in. The breeze helped cool off the second floor of the house, and Winry appreciated it. Peering through the door, she spotted a familiar figure and smiled. She stepped onto the balcony. "Hi, Ed."

"Hey Win." Edward gave her a smile and looked back out at the landscape. He still had a lot on his mind. "How's Al?"

"He's doing okay." Winry knew Ed would read this appropriately. Al's body and mind were both in shock, and reacting accordingly. He slept a lot, and ate a little bit every few hours, and sometimes woke up screaming.

He nodded and brushed his hand against her arm and sighed a little. Something was troubling him.

Winry leaned her elbows on the railing, her shoulder bumping into Ed's. She was used to his silences, but this one seemed a little different. "Do you want to talk?"

"Yeah...no. I mean...yeah...." Ed stammered a bit, not sure what he should say. He shuffled his feet.

"Hnn!" Winry turned to face him, leaning her hip against the railing, crossing her arms. "Which is it, Ed?"

It was really hard for him to decide what to do. Edward did have Winry's attention, but he looked unnerved. He shifted back and forth again. "I..." He paused a little, chewing his bottom lip. "Winry..."

"Al's gonna be okay. It's just going to take time." Winry knew Ed had to be worried. "It's just going to take some time."

"Time...yeah I know...Uh...time is...well I..." Edward stepped back a bit and faced her. "I will give you half my life...if you...if in exchange you give me half yours. That's equivalent, right?"

The words didn't make sense. What was Ed saying? Equivalent exchange - like alchemy? Wait, half of his life for half of hers? Was Ed...no, he...was he proposing? Really?

Winry looked confused, and Ed looked uncertain. He stepped back a bit. "Ah, I...that's..." He ran his hands through his hair.

Her face screwed up. "Are you proposing to me?"

"W-Well..." Edward stammered a bit. This did not look like it was going terribly well and he looked away. "Just something I was thinking about..."

"By using alchemy terms? Oh, geeze, Ed!" Winry rubbed her temple. "You're not even an alchemist any more!"

He moved back towards the railing and leaned against it, resting his forearms on the banister. Edward didn't really have a comment on that, he knew he wasn't an alchemist anymore. He was painfully aware.

"Ed..." Winry shook her head. "You can't have half my life."

Edward swallowed. "Alright." Maybe the ground would come up and swallow him whole.

"You idiot, you can have all of it!" And then Winry blushed, hard. "W-wait. Maybe not all of it! But...you can have...eighty-five percent?"

His eyes went wide and he turned back to face her again. Edward stared at her quietly and then he couldn't help but begin to laugh. He was giggling, hands over his stomach as he bent over.

And then the flush wasn't a blush any more, but pinking from anger. "What? It's a better deal than what you offered me!"

"I-It's just so incredible...that you overthrew Equivalent Exchange like that..." He finished his giggling a straightened. Edward stepped forward and embraced her. "I'll accept."

Winry stiffened at first when Ed put his arms around her, then relaxed into him with a sigh, wrapping her arms around his waist. "You'd better offer me the same back!" she mumbled against his neck.

"It's yours." Ed said, kissing her cheek softly.

"I'll accept." Winry hugged him tighter.

Ed and/or Winry will be responding to any comments.

roze thomas, kurt hummel, edward elric, greed, naoto shirogane, alphonse elric, winry rockbell, brittany s. pierce

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