May 15, 2011 01:56
[Have what more long-running members of the community may recognize as a Zel. How much anyone else will is hard to say, since Zel isn't normally blue with patches of grayish stone present all over his skin - at least, not recently. Yes, Zel appears to be a chimera again.
He's also looking blue in the metaphorical sense, as he leans on the desk his laptop's on and sighs.]
I really hope this is a virus, because if this is permanent I think I'm going to find the person responsible and make them regret giving me superhuman strength again.
Have anyone else's viruses brought up things they'd rather forget? This one seems to be one of the ones that affects everyone differently.
((OOC: Zel's been hit by the physical regression virus, though he hasn't regressed very far - just back to before he made that deal with Eris :P ))
grabbag virus,
zelgadiss graywords